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Theoretical isochrones for 2MASS filters, VEGAmag system

The present directory (isoc_2mass) contains the data files for the 2MASS JHKs VEGAmag system. Before downloading, please give a look at:

  • The Electronic Paper: Theoretical isochrones compared to 2MASS observations: Open clusters at nearly solar metallicity , by Ch. Bonatto, E. Bica, L. Girardi, 2004, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 415, 571.
  • The Reference table with a summary description of the stellar evolutionary models in use, and their basic references. This allows you to know the differences between the several isochrone files (and better than the minimal table you see below).
  • The readme.txt file (ascii file, 13 Kby), with a field-by-field description of all files in the database.
  • Here you can download the (gzipped) data files:
    Tables of bolometric corrections: [M/H]
    isoc_2mass/bctab_m25.dat.gz -2.5
    isoc_2mass/bctab_m20.dat.gz -2.0
    isoc_2mass/bctab_m15.dat.gz -1.5
    isoc_2mass/bctab_m10.dat.gz -1.0
    isoc_2mass/bctab_m05.dat.gz -0.5
    isoc_2mass/bctab_p00.dat.gz 0.0
    isoc_2mass/bctab_p05.dat.gz +0.5

    Isochrone file: corresponding SSP magnitude file: Z a very minimal description:1
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z0.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z0.dat.gz 0 Metal-free models from Ma01.
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z0001.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z0001.dat.gz 0.0001 Basic set obtained by combining Gi00+Gi01 (low- and intermediate-mass stars) with Be94+Gi96 (high masses) isochrones. With overshooting. Include a simplified TP-AGB evolution.
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z0004.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z0004.dat.gz 0.0004
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z001.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z001.dat.gz 0.001
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z004.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z004.dat.gz 0.004
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z008.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z008.dat.gz 0.008
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z019.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z019.dat.gz 0.019
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z030.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z030.dat.gz 0.030
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z019nov.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z019nov.dat.gz 0.019 Alternative to the basic set, but without overshooting (Gi00).
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z008s.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z008s.dat.gz 0.008 Scaled-solar models from Sa00. Both with overshooting and a simplified TP-AGB evolution.
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z019s.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z019s.dat.gz 0.019
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z040s.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z040s.dat.gz 0.040
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z070s.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z070s.dat.gz 0.070
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z008a.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z008a.dat.gz 0.008 Alpha-enhanced models from Sa00.
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z019a.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z019a.dat.gz 0.019
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z040a.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z040a.dat.gz 0.040
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z070a.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z070a.dat.gz 0.070
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z004m.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z004m.dat.gz 0.004 Alternative to the basic set with overshooting, but including a more detailed TP-AGB evolution (MG01).
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z008m.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z008m.dat.gz 0.008
    isoc_2mass/isoc_z019m.dat.gz isoc_2mass/sspmag_z019m.dat.gz 0.019

    1 References: Be94= Bertelli et al. (1994, A&AS 106, 275); Br93= Bressan et al. (1993, A&AS 100, 647); Fa94a = Fagotto et al. (1994a, A&AS 104, 365); Fa94b = Fagotto et al. (1994b, A&AS 105, 29); Gi96 = Girardi et al. (1996, A&AS 117, 113); Gi00 = Girardi et al. (2000, A&AS 141, 371); Gi01 = Girardi (2001, unpublished); Ma01 = Marigo et al. (2001, A&A 371, 152); MG01 = Marigo & Girardi (2001, A&A 377, 132); Sa00 = Salasnich et al. (2000, A&A 361, 1023).