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Theoretical isochrones in several photometric systems

Warning (May2008) : This page is rapidly becoming outdated. Newest models are now being provided via the intervactive web form CMD at, which includes more photometric systems (e.g. Stroemgren, OGLE, HST/WFC3, Spitzer, AKARI), calibrated TP-AGB tracks with circumstellar dust, isochrones with interstellar extinction, LFs, integrated colours, and more.

Shortcuts: Johnson-Cousins-Glass HST/WFPC2 (Vega, ST, AB) SDSS
Washington HST/NICMOS (Vega, ST, AB) BATC

The present database (isoc_photsys.02) contains the data files from:
Yet unpublished:

Theoretical isochrones in several photometric systems
Yet unpublished files for HST/ACS (both HRC and WFC), BATC, and UKIDSS systems
L. Girardi, 2006, in preparation

  • readme.txt file ascii file, 13 Kby.
  • download data

  •   together with links to the previous databases (isoc_photsys.00 and isoc_photsys.01):
    Paper I:

    Theoretical isochrones in several photometric systems
    I. Johnson-Cousins-Glass, HST/WFPC2, HST/NICMOS, Washington, and ESO Imaging Survey filter sets
    L. Girardi, G. Bertelli, A. Bressan, C. Chiosi, M.A.T. Groenewegen, P. Marigo, B. Salasnich, and A. Weiss, 2002, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 391, 195.

  • readme.txt file ascii file, 13 Kby.
  • Electronic paper pdf file, 542 Kby.
  • download data
  • Paper II:

    Theoretical isochrones in several photometric systems
    II. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugriz system
    L. Girardi, E.K. Grebel, M. Odenkirchen, C. Chiosi, 2004, about to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

  • readme.txt file ascii file, 13 Kby.
  • paper preprint
  • download data
  • Related papers:

    Theoretical isochrones compared to 2MASS observations:
    Open clusters at nearly solar metallicity
    Ch. Bonatto, E. Bica, L. Girardi, 2004, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 415, 571.

  • Electronic paper pdf file, 1.4 Mby.
  • download data
  • Please refer to the papers for a complete description of the models.

    When referring to the present isochrones, please refer also to the original sources of evolutionary data. They are listed here:
    Initial chemical comp.: Evolutionary tracks: Isochrones:
    Z Y kind1 Mass range (in Msun):2 TP-AGB
    age range
    filename in
    0.15-0.55 0.6-7.0 >7.0
    0.0 0.230 S - Ma01 Ma01 - O 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z0.dat Ma01
    0.0001 0.230 S Gi01 Gi01 Gi96 G O 6.60 - 10.25 isoc_z0001.dat Gi00+Gi96
    0.0004 0.230 S Gi00 Gi00 Fa94a G O 6.60 - 10.25 isoc_z0004.dat Gi00+Be94
    0.001 0.230 S Gi00 Gi00 - G O 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z001.dat Gi00
    0.004 0.240 S Gi00 Gi00 Fa94b G O 6.60 - 10.25 isoc_z004.dat Gi00+Be94
    0.008 0.250 S Gi00 Gi00 Fa94b G O 6.60 - 10.25 isoc_z008.dat Gi00+Be94
    0.019 0.273 S Gi00 Gi00 Br93 G O 6.60 - 10.25 isoc_z019.dat Gi00+Be94
    0.030 0.300 S Gi00 Gi00 - G O 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z030.dat Gi00
    0.019 0.273 S Gi00 Gi00 - G C 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z019nov.dat Gi00
    0.008 0.250 S Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z008s.dat Sa00
    0.019 0.273 S Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z019s.dat Sa00
    0.040 0.320 S Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z040s.dat Sa00
    0.070 0.390 S Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z070s.dat Sa00
    0.008 0.250 A Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z008a.dat Sa00
    0.019 0.273 A Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z019a.dat Sa00
    0.040 0.320 A Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z040a.dat Sa00
    0.070 0.390 A Sa00 Sa00 Sa00 G O 7.00 - 10.25 isoc_z070a.dat Sa00
    0.004 0.240 S Gi00 Gi00 - M O 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z004m.dat MG01
    0.008 0.250 S Gi00 Gi00 - M O 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z008m.dat MG01
    0.019 0.273 S Gi00 Gi00 - M O 7.80 - 10.25 isoc_z019m.dat MG01

    1 S = a solar-scaled distribution of metals, A = an alpha-enhanced one. The adopted metal abundance ratios are specified in Sa00.
    2 References for tracks and isochrones: Be94= Bertelli et al. (1994, A&AS 106, 275); Br93= Bressan et al. (1993, A&AS 100, 647); Fa94a = Fagotto et al. (1994a, A&AS 104, 365); Fa94b = Fagotto et al. (1994b, A&AS 105, 29); Gi96 = Girardi et al. (1996, A&AS 117, 113); Gi00 = Girardi et al. (2000, A&AS 141, 371); Gi01 = Girardi (2001, unpublished); Ma01 = Marigo et al. (2001, A&A 371, 152); MG01 = Marigo & Girardi (2001, A&A 377, 132); Sa00 = Salasnich et al. (2000, A&A 361, 1023).
    3 G = a simple synthetic evolution as in Girardi & Bertelli (1998, MNRAS 300, 533), M = more detailed calculations as in Marigo (2001, A&A 370, 194, and references therein).
    4 O = model with overshooting (see Gi00 for all references), C = classical semi-convective models.

    Here you can download the (gzipped) data files for Paper I:
  • Johnson-Cousins-Glass UBVRIJHK. The filter response curves come from Bessell & Brett (1988, PASP 100, 1134) and Bessell (1990, PASP 102, 1181).
  • ESO Imaging Survey filters: WFI UBVRIZ + SOFI JHK, VEGAmag
  • ESO Imaging Survey filters: EMMI Bw,Vw,R,Rw,Iw, VEGAmag
  • HST/WFPC2, VEGAmag
  • HST/WFPC2, STmag
  • HST/WFPC2, ABmag
  • Washington CMT1T2

  • Here you can download the (gzipped) data files for Paper II:
  • Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugriz, ABmag using the response functions from SDSS Data Release 1.

  • Here you can download the (gzipped) data files for related papers:
  • 2MASS, VEGAmag using the response functions from 2MASS All-Sky Data Release Explanatory Supplement.

  • The following are files for additional systems, not yet described in papers:
  • HST/ACS HRC, VEGAmag using the throughputs kindly provided by Marco Sirianni (see Sirianni et al. 2005).
  • HST/ACS WFC, VEGAmag , as above.
  • BATC (Beijing-Arizona-Taipei-Connecticut), filters Uabcdefghijkmnopt , using the response functions kindly provided by Dr. Zhenyu Wu (see also Yan et al. 2000, and Wu et al. 2005).
  • UKIDSS (UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey), filters ZYJHK , using the response functions from Hewett et al. 2005.

  • Léo Girardi, last modified 18/01/2006.